Friday, June 27, 2014

Top Tips on How to Make Eyeglasses Fashionably Work for You

Have you just been told that you need to wear glasses and are in a little bit of a funk because of it? You are not alone in needing glasses. Just about everywhere you turn, someone is either sporting glasses or wearing contact lenses.

Once you have gotten over the fact that your vision may not be perfect, try these few tips on how to create it to show up to your advantage.

Have Fun with Frames

For many individuals, having to wear glasses may seem like a daunting experience. However, times have changed. No longer are the days of having someone call you “four eyes.” Eyeglasses have become a fashion statement.

Many individuals purchase informal eyeglasses and sunglasses in places such as pharmacies, craft fairs, and flea markets.

With so many designs, styles, and even designer label brands, wearing glasses is something to celebrate and have fun with as well.

Just think of it as a fashion accessory and a reason to go shopping to boot. Some individuals will purchase different frames for different occasions, depending on cost.

Therefore, just changing your way of thinking about having to wear glasses is the first step.

Shop Around

Treat buying your new frames the same way you would treat shopping around for a new dress. Look at all the different styles, grab a friend, and go to different stores.

Keep in mind that the prices of the frames will vary. If you are determined to get a designer pair, be prepared to pay. Most insurance companies will allow you a certain allocation toward glasses and the rest is up to you. They may even restrict you to a small selection of frames in a particular category.

Make sure you are informed before you go out shopping for frames. While it can be a whole load of fun, being informed never hurt anyone – especially when it comes to spending money.

Figure Out Your Face Shape

Take some time to look in the mirror and do a little research online before you go shopping. There are certain types of frames for all shapes and size faces. Some individuals have an oval shape face while others fit more into the square category.

If you have shorter hair as compared to longer hair, this may make a difference as well. Narrow set eyes and wide set eyes will look differently with different frames.

Last, but not least, decide on what kind of look you are going for – is it fun and funky or intellectual and brainy?

With these few tips to start you out with, purchasing eyeglasses can be fun and fashionable.

Maryjane Angelo

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Funky Facts: All about Eyes

All about Eyes
While most of us go through our day not even thinking about our eyesight or even our eyes, there are many facts about our eyes that may prove interesting.

It is probably even safe to say that some of us may not even blink about the fact that we have healthy eyesight or that this could change at any given moment. For most of us, eyesight deterioration is something that we think of as affecting older folk.

For example, did you know that eyesight deterioration is something that is preventable? There are many ways to downplay vision issues. Of course, these are also related to overall health and wellbeing of your body. However, if you take care of your body by eating right, exercising, and resting, you will also lower your chances of high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

What do these have to do with healthy vision? Well, if you have lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol, you are more likely to have healthier vision as well, according to recent studies.

So, how about those fun facts all about eyes:

* The average individual blinks about once every ten seconds.

* The typical blink lasts about 1/10th of a second.

* Blinking is a necessary function of the human body to clear and keep debris away as well as to keep eyes moist and lubricated.

* A new baby does not produce tears until approximately one month old.

* Many individuals are born with two different colored eyes, known as heterochromia. Some poeple have one eye a completely different color or it can show up as an iris with a slightly different color as compared to the rest of the eye.

* Lighter colored eyes can show up at any time in later generations – this is a good thing to know if both parents have darker colored eyes as it will answer any questions jokingly put forth.

* For individuals with lighter colored eyes, the ability for eyes to adapt to clothing or lighting does exist. For example, if you are green eyed, there is a chance that your eyes will appear bluer if you are wearing a blue shirt.


* The quickest and most used muscle in the body is in the eyes.

* About half of the brain is necessary for seeing.

* Many individuals cannot help but sneeze when they are exposed to light in their eyes.

* It is just about impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

These are just some of the fun facts about your eyes that you may or may not have known.

Maryjane Angelo

Monday, June 23, 2014

Vision and Aging

Vision and Aging
One of the most significant changes for an elderly person is the change to their eyesight. This can be the most devastating effect of aging. Loss of vision equates to loss of freedom and can lead to depression, too.

The elderly can suffer great losses as they age – loss of freedom, loss of family members, mobility, friends, and independence. And close to 20 percent of the aging population suffer from some type of vision problemglau. Common problems include:

Cataracts - Cataracts can cause blurry vision, which, in turn, can cause difficulty reading and writing.

Macular Degeneration - Macular degeneration impacts millions of people annually.

Glaucoma - One of the effects of glaucoma is that individuals can only see what is directly and absolutely in front of them. This causes them to have to turn and face something that is to their left or right in order to see it.

Diabetic retinopathy - Diabetic retinopathy causes tiny blind spots, which will in turn distort vision. This can change from one day to the next with regular vision to impaired vision on any particular given day.

There are many adverse effects to impaired vision:

* Inability to read
* Inability to drive
* Difficulty in mobility
* Trips and falls
* And even difficulty recognizing a familiar family member’s face

There are many tools to aid in assisting the elderly with their vision loss, as well as types of medication to keep pressure in the eye down or at least stable. In addition, there are some types of surgery that can improve vision.

Assistive devices that can aid with an elderly individual’s loss of vision include:

* Magnifiers
* Voice activated caller id 
* Voice activated watches
* Larger print for crossword puzzle books, books, and magazines
* Audio books
* Braille software

Along with these visual aids, sometimes an elderly person needs mobility assistance due to loss of vision such as:

* Canes
* Walkers
* Scooters
* Grab bars for bath and shower

Of course, preventative steps to ensure healthy vision is the best choice. It is best to maintain healthy vision with proper eating, regular exercise (studies are beginning to show that cardiovascular exercise assists in this area), and regular eye exams.

It is also important to understand that vision loss has a direct impact on mood in elderly individuals. Vision loss means loss of freedom and independence and family members and friends need to be sensitive to this fact.

Scheduling visits with an elder, having them join in social activities in the community in their place of worship, a nursing home, or senior center are all excellent ways to make them feel part of something and still viable and useful as human beings.

Maryjane Angelo

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Heart Healthy Exercise - Is A Great Combo |Maryjane's Blog

Heart Healthy Exercise - Is A Great Combo

Heart healthy exercise is no different than any other exercise. Any exercise can help make your heart stronger, your lungs able to function better and your muscles able to burn fat better. Many people make the time to go to a gym to get their work outs in each day but what if you can't find the time or have the money to join a gym?

If you can't find the time or have the money to join a gym you can always do things at home to improve your heart health. They say that walking is the best thing you can do for your heart healthy exercise. Get out and walk at least thirty minutes a day, work up to thirty minutes if you have to but don't over do it. If you hurt yourself you will only set yourself back further. Ask a friend to go with you if you need company. Exercising with someone will keep you motivated and increase the chance you will stick to your program.

Try to carve out an extra thirty minutes to one hour of your day and devote that time to exercising. Even if you have to start your day one hour earlier and use that time to get your exercise in. Do not worry that you are shorting yourself some sleep because if you are getting in shape your body will need less sleep than it does now. Studies have shown that the better shape you are in the less sleep your body needs because your body is using what you give it a lot more efficiently.

If you can't bring yourself to part with your precious sleep then why not go for a walk on your lunch hour at work. Or, research exercises that can be done at your desk when it is break time. There are several that have been developed for people who can't find any other time to exercise. The trick is to just keep moving, doing something, no matter how little or how much, is the key to getting in shape and making your body and heart stronger.

When walking has made you stronger you may want to up the ante some and try out a work out DVD in your living room. Do not be bashful, if you are worried that someone will see you and laugh at you because you can't keep up just draw the blinds and do your best to learn the routine on the DVD. Then you can be the one laughing because you have gotten in shape and lost the weight and the ones who laughed are still out of shape and fat.

If you do not want to buy a work out DVD then go to your local video store and rent one. Rent several until you find one you like and then buy it. Get yourself a good mp3 player and download some awesome work out music to listen to during your work outs. Music is a great motivator and can make your heart healthy exercise a whole lot more interesting.

Maryjane Angelo

Monday, June 16, 2014

Woodworking Business |Maryjane's Blog

 Wood Profits
Start From Your Garage To Save On Rental Costs

From Hobbie To Business:
With these hard economic times, finding something that you can do to see you earn that extra money is great. Woodworking is one of the most loveable arts that you can engage in. Many people love woodworking and they just take it as a hobby. Nonetheless, you have to know that there is high demand for good woodwork projects. The woodwork projects that you can get to do will vary from toys all the way to household furniture.

If you are just starting up, then you will want to cut on costs. One best way to cut on costs will require you to get a cheap workshop. A great place that will see you save on the rental costs is your own garage. Yes, you can transform your garage to be your workshop

Having your garage as your workshop has many advantages and the one that is most obvious is that you are able to save on costs, at the same time; you are able to work from home, which reduces the pressure of having to go to your workplace each and every day.

As you work from your garage, there are certain things that you need to consider. One of the most important things is that you need to know that you will not be in a position to make more bulky wood projects for you are limited by space. Working from your garage also means that you need to use small tools that will not produce much noise that will disturb your neighbors. Know that huge power machinery usually comes with a lot of noise that will disturb other people.

Maryjane Angelo

Friday, June 13, 2014

Turning Woodworking From Hobby to Business |Maryjane's Blog

Woodworking From Hobby to Business

Woodworking is an art/craft, depending on how you look at it, that can see you earn quite substantial amounts. There are people who love woodworking, but just do it as a hobby. The good news is that if you have interest in the subject than transforming it from a hobby to business is quite easy and this article is just going to show you how.

Have tools that you will use for your woodworking. The kind of tools that you will need for your projects will depend on the vastness of your business. If you want to start small, then having simple hand tools will prove to be adequate. You need to buy high quality tools like a hand drill, a timber saw, measurement tools and more. On the other hand, if you want to have large scale production then you will need heavy machinery like a power saw and more. Make sure that the space that you plan to use is adequate.

You need to have clearly marked out your niche. Woodworking is a broad subject that can see you produce anything from a simple birdhouse all the way to production of office and home furniture. You need to copyright your products to avoid cases where people can steal your ideas for their own benefit.
Woodworking From Hobby to Business

Make sure you advertise. Know that you are no longer doing your woodworking for the fun of it. There are many ways that you can advertise your products. You can use the internet. Using the internet will need you to put up a website. You can have a variety of sample pictures on the website. You also need to know all the ways of putting up a good website if you want to get enough traffic. You need to use the internet to not only advertise, but also to sell. With the website you will be able to tap into potential market that cuts across country boundaries. 

Still on the above, you can also make use of word of mouth. Inform your friends and neighbors of your business this is a very inexpensive way of getting your word out there. 

Use the internet to get new ideas for your woodworking. There are many plans that are available on the internet of which some are free. You need to use the plans that are available here to improve on your skills. You can always get to learn new ideas using the available plans.

Maryjane Angelo

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Natural Relief For Kidney Stones

Stop dreaming and start doing with Wood Profits today:

Tips For Fast Relief Of Kidney Stones

Only those who have ever experienced them can truly understand just how painful kidney stones can be. These stones are the result of a calcium build-up and they cause excruciating pain as they try to make their way through the urinary tract. There are a few things that can cause this build-up, including disease, infection and dehydration.

What makes kidney stones even worse is that you usually have no idea they are being formed until it's too late. If the stones are big enough, they will block the urinary system and this can be very dangerous. While there are certain risk factors associated with kidney stones, the truth is that anybody can get them.

So, what are some signs that you may have kidney stones? Pain in your lower back or groin, vomiting, pain during urination, reddish or orange urine, and pain in your lower stomach. Sometimes people think it's their appendix, but the only way you can know for sure is to see a doctor once the symptoms are present. It's important to get rid of the stone as soon as possible to prevent additional complications to your kidneys.

It sure sounds bad, doesn't it? But don't worry too much, there are some things you can do! The first thing you can start doing right away to reduce your chances of kidney stones is to make sure you drink plenty of water. This will help flush out your kidneys on a regular basis. There are other benefits to drinking plenty of water, so it's a good idea to do it anyway.

There are also natural herbal remedies that may help lower the odds of getting kidney stones. These most likely work due to their diuretic effect. Here are a few such herbs: goldenrod, juniper berry, sassafras, dandelion, corn silk, meadow sweet, horsetail and fennel. If you think you already have kidney stones, these herbs may help to some degree. However, your safest bet is always to see your doctor, so the following herbs are listed for informational purposes only, and not as a treatment or cure of any kind.

1. Catnip can help to unblock the urinary tract, making it easier for the stones to pass naturally. The downside is that catnip can cause gas and cramping in some people.

2. Hydrangea may aid in dissolving kidney stones, or reducing their size, making urination more comfortable. If the stones shrink, some of the pain may go away. Diarrhea is a fairly common side effect, but not everybody experiences it.

3. Cleavers (also known as goose grass) are a good remedy for several kidney and bladder issues. It is best taken as a tea, and drank daily.

Kidney stones are not only painful, they can also be dangerous. Therefore, you should do whatever you can to prevent them from forming. But if they form, you should try to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

Maryjane Angelo

Monday, June 9, 2014

Sleep Apnea Dental Device - Help Now

Sleep Apnea Dental Device

If you have sleep apnea and have trouble using a CPAP, or a continuous positive airway pressure, machine while you sleep, you may be a good candidate for a sleep apnea dental device to treat your sleep apnea. Some people do not even know they have sleep apnea unless they have someone in their life that is with them when they sleep and can tell them they have it.

To confirm this then you should get a referral from your doctor to have a sleep study. A sleep study will pinpoint just how many episodes of sleep apnea you actually have during the night, how long they last and figure out just how severe your condition is.

Sleep apnea is a serious condition in which a person stops breathing during sleep for a few seconds up to as long as a minute and upon resuming normal breathing snorts or snores loudly. Sleep apnea occurs many times during the night and can cause the person afflicted with this disorder to not get sufficient rest at night and can contribute to a type of chronic fatigue.

Chronic fatigue can cause you to not be as sharp mentally as you need to be during the day and at work, which can end up affecting your daily life in many negative ways. Decreased productivity at work can cause you to lose your job or inattentive driving can cause you to have an accident and injure yourself or someone else.

One way to combat the effects of sleep apnea is to wear a sleep apnea dental device. These devices mold to your mouth and hold your tongue and palate in place, keeping your airway open so you can breathe throughout the night and wake up rested and rejuvenated.

These dental devices are used mainly in the treatment of mild to moderate sleep apnea in patients not are not dealing with obesity who cannot use the CPAP machine at night due to claustrophobia or other forms of intolerance to the equipment and can reduce the severity of sleep apnea by up to 60%.

There are two main types of dental devices for the treatment of sleep apnea. The first is a tongue repositioning device and is custom fitted to the patient's lower jaw and works by raising the soft palate and keeping the tongue from falling back and blocking the patient's airway.

The second dental device is called a mandibular repositioning device which actually repositions the jaw creating much needed space behind the tongue therefore keeping the airway open, reducing the frequency of the sleep apnea and also greatly reduces snoring. You will need to be closely monitored by your dentist to maintain the fit of the device and make sure it is working properly.

Sleep apnea can occur up to 30 times or more per hour when you are sleeping and severe cases may require surgery as a corrective measure, especially in cases in which the patient is diagnosed with blockages in their nose or throat.

The dental devices available are very effective in the treatment of mild to moderate sleep apnea but the patient may complain of tooth pain, mouth or jaw soreness. Your dentist will tell you that these side effects should subside and you will get used to the sleep apnea dental device in a few weeks to a few months.

Maryjane Angelo

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment - Be Aware

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment

Obstructive sleep apnea treatment consists of using a CPAP, or continuous positive airway pressure, machine or fixing the obstruction with medication, dental devices, or surgery. If you suspect you have obstructive sleep apnea you should see your doctor as soon as possible so you may begin treatment.

Obstructive sleep apnea is a serious condition that affects the way you breathe when you are sleeping. Not only is obstructive sleep apnea a serious condition it could be life- threatening. Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition in which you actually stop breathing for any where from 10 to 60 seconds up to 30 times per hour every hour you are asleep.sleep apnea

Some of the symptoms or affects you may notice are feeling more tired when you wake up than when you went to sleep, being more tired during the day, frequent morning headaches, recent unexplained weight gain, inattentiveness, poor judgement and memory loss, mood swings and depression.

Your doctor should be able to make a correct diagnosis just by you relating these symptoms to them and then can order a sleep study to confirm their diagnosis and to get you started on an obstructive sleep apnea treatment regimen to reduce your risk for high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke.

During the sleep study you will be monitored for electrical activity of your brain, REM sleep, heart rate and blood oxygen levels. If it is confirmed that you do have obstructive sleep apnea you will be awakened and fitted with the CPAP machine which blows air into your nose and or mouth at a continuous rate to help keep your airway open. Once you go back to sleep the technician will adjust the flow until the best rate of airflow for you is determined.

After the sleep study, you may be required to purchase your CPAP machine for the time you need to use it or you may be able to rent one from a medical supply store. Any tubing you need for CPAP operation should be disposable and you can set up monthly delivery of supplies you need from the supply company. If it is determined that you need oxygen as a supplement to the CPAP then you can set up delivery of that, too, at the same time.

You may just need to wear an oral device, custom made and fitted by your dentist to help keep your tongue and soft palate from falling back and closing off your airway when you sleep. Keep in mind you should also limit the use of depressants like alcohol and sedatives which can make your condition worse.

Surgery may be required to remove the obstruction. You may be a candidate for surgery if you have a deviated septum or some other blockage that can safely be removed by a surgical procedure. Obviously, no surgery is completely safe and all precautions should be taken by you and your doctor before the surgery takes place. surgery should be considered only for the most severe cases of obstructive sleep apnea.

These are all options you have for obstructive sleep apnea treatment. It all depends on the severity of the apnea you are diagnosed with as to what treatment options you and your doctor  choose for you.

Maryjane Angelo

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Sleep Apnea Definition - 3 Types Of Sleep Apnea

3 Types Of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea definition is a sleep disorder characterized by the stoppage of breathing while sleeping from 10 to 60 seconds and gasping for breath or snorting or snoring when breathing is resumed.

There are three types of sleep apnea. Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Central Sleep Apnea, and Complex Sleep Apnea. Each are caused by different factors but both can lead to serious complications up to and including death.

Obstructive sleep apnea is characterized by the tongue and muscles of the throat relaxing to the point of blocking the airway during sleep possibly caused by obesity. Men over the age of 40 who are considered overweight or obese are the most affected by this type of sleep apnea. This is not to say that women cannot also be afflicted with the same disorder it is just more prevalent in men.

Central sleep apnea definition is characterized by a defect in the respiratory center in the brain being unable to transmit the correct signals to the muscles responsible for breathing to initiate a breath.

Some people can suffer from a combination of these two types and this is called Complex Sleep Apnea. Anyone of any age can be affected by sleep apnea, even children. Premature babies are most likely to be subject to sleep apnea because their lung function is impaired due to being premature.

The premature infant is usually sent home with a device called an apnea monitor and is kept on the monitor until approximately two weeks after true gestational age is reached and their doctor deems it safe for them to be removed from monitoring.

If you suspect your spouse has sleep apnea, watch them for a few nights in a row and record what you observe. Snoring is not always caused by sleep apnea but can be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea and that if it gets worse or is loud enough to wake the dead, you should consult your doctor about it.

Typical sufferers of sleep apnea actually stop breathing frequently throughout the night with as many as 30 episodes or more with gasps or snorts heard when breathing resumes. Keep an ear open to how many times this happens during a one hour period and also if the way they are breathing wakes them up frequently. Night sweats are a frequent occurrence with people with sleep apnea, especially complex sleep apnea.

Also as a part of your record, note how your spouse feels during the day. Are they tired, irritable, impatient, feel depressed or have frequent mood swings during the day? Do they wake with a headache or dry, sore throat? If they do this probably means they are not getting good rest during the night and should see their doctor to talk about sleep apnea and possibly enter into a sleep study to confirm or rule out sleep apnea.

Treatment for sleep apnea may include a CPAP machine that you wear at night, a mouth guard, or in the most severe cases of obstructive sleep apnea, surgery may be needed. Talk to your doctor about your sleep apnea definition to find out what your best option is.

Maryjane Angelo

Monday, June 2, 2014

Yeast Infection and Children - How To Help Them

    Yeast Infection and Children - How To Help Them

Yes even children are prone to the Candida albicans bacteria read on to learn more and for women I have included a link that you will find very helpful in ridding yourself of this annoying and sticky situation, CLICK HERE

Since we all have the Candida albicans bacteria in our bodies, anyone can be prone to getting yeast infections. While they're not fun for anyone, it's particularly upsetting seeing yeast infections in children.  No one wants to see their child have anything wrong with them, anything that might cause them pain or discomfort. So even though it may not be too serious and it may be common, that doesn't mean we have to like it. The location of the outbreak will determine what type of treatment is required.

Since the Candida is found all over the body, it likes moist warm areas, yeast infections can occur all over the body. And while we tend to think of yeast infections as a 'girl problem' boys and men can also get them.

When a yeast infection occurs in the mouth or throat it is called thrush. This painful affliction can turn your mouth white and will require an antifungal that will generally be swished around and swallowed to cure it. Thrush can make it painful to swallow and is a common problem in infants due to the breast milk they get.

Sometimes babies can actually be born with yeast infections. It's not uncommon for baby girls to have vaginal yeast infections as well.

The best thing to do to try to keep yeast infectied children at bay is to keep the areas where the Candida is most prevalent, the mouth, the genital areas, the rectum and the arm pits, dry and clean.

This can be especially challenging with babies who still wear diapers.  You have to be diligent about changing them and keeping their bottoms clean and dry. If you spot a rash or any indication that something is going on contact their doctor right away.

While yeast infections are not generally considered to be very serious in adults everything is more intense in kids. For this reason you have to be hyper diligent about keeping your child clean and dry.

Having too much blood sugar is a big risk factor for your kids to develop a yeast infection so try to stay away from giving your kids too much milk. Many types of milks are very high in sugar, things you may not have even thought of such as soy milk.  Another thing that we commonly give to children that is loaded with sugar is various types of fruit juices. Apple juice can be particularly high in sugar and a good thing to avoid. At least until the infection has cleared.

No one likes to see their kid in pain, even if we know it's not real serious and unlikely to cause any long term harm. Though yeast infection children may be common that doesn't mean that it's any easier to deal with when it involves our kids. Don't make the mistake of thinking that this only affects girls, both boys and girls can fall 'victim' to this infection. Try to keep their sugar intake to a minimum and treat any sign of infection quickly and aggressively.

Maryjane Angelo