I have been gardening for a long time, my backyard is an ideal place
because my backyard is facing south with full sun. I am firm on organic
growing of my vegetables. I spray my garden but not with pesticides.
Here are 7 tips to help with your gardening.
1 Plant your garden in full sun light
2 Use Trellises for tall plants, like Tomatoes
3 Seeds for your area you should start indoors
4 Bush type squash takes up less space
5 Always have a plan so tall vegetables
will not shade other vegetables.
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are planted especially climbing vines
7 This is what I use for spraying my vegetable garden
take a spray bottle add two or three drops
of dishwashing liquid add water shake gently you may
have to spray everyday but it works keeps the pests
out for me.
You will have to respray after it rains also as the spray
is washed off from the rain.
Maryjane Angelo

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